Our philosophy & Vision

At “Roving English” just like our motto say’s “Your Journey To Better English” we believe learning is like going on a journey staring at the beginning where you start with hope and anticipation  with the excitement of reaching your destination the destination being Knowledge and Confidence in English.


The easiest way to learn English is using the same method people learn their mother tongue by doing an action and saying the word just as a parent shows a child by physical action and a word to match it.

The combination of action and speech is the most natural way to learn a language this method is called Total Physical Response or (TPR) developed by James Asher a Professor emeritus of psychology at San Jose’ State University.

The TPR Method is so much fun for the students who learn through Music & Song, Stories, Games and Role plays , the Students learn in a stress free encouraging environment very good approach for younger learners who actually learn a lot through play .
The learning process becomes a very positive experience for the student and it’s amazing to see their progress as they gain confidence to take part in the class activities. You will be amazed if you model the action with the words to be learnt in a positive and fun way how much more response you will get from the student, it’s a lot more active approach to learning needing more activity from both the Teacher and the Student no time to get bored or lose interest in the subject being taught. Plus the connection with the new knowledge being retained and really understood is a lot stronger when an action is combined with the word.

Another strong point in favour of the TPR method of learning is it all so reaches Kinesthetic Learners ( Where Learners learn by physical activities rather than just watching or listening) a lot of us learn like this and just sitting at a desk in the traditional way listening can make the learning very difficult for these learners.

So at “Roving English” we invite you to take the first steps of your wonderful journey of Learning English today come and join us and find the real joy of Learning English with us.