

" Teacher Stephen, 課堂內容豐富, 多元化, 能配合學校的學習内容,

教師態度誠懇, 熱衷教學, 能主動與幼兒以英語交談以增加他們對英語的學習信心.

另外, 教師於每次課堂前有充足的準備, 值得欣賞!"                                                                  救世軍卜凱賽琳幼兒學校/楊老師



"Teacher Heather 和 Teacher Stephen 全程投入教學, 認真地備課, 因此孩子很愛與他們互動, 很满意! "




"Teacher Victoria is nice and she can motivate children to enjoy the class. "

                                                                                                                 HKCS Lei Cheng Uk Nursery School / Senior Teacher Ma



"非常满意 Teaher Ann 的教學, 她和藹可親,友善隨和; 教學内容適切, 配合主题; 活動亦有動靜交替, 如果可以多一些故事元素, 相信會更理想​." 


                                        (From : Roving English : 知道, 會加多些故事元素​)



"英語私人教授, 能夠幫助我和外國人對話不再恐懼, 亦可接觸不同文化​, 非常好! "

                                                                                                                                                Miss Piano / Nurse



"Thank you Teacher Stephen for the English tutorials. Now I can speak English with confident ! "

                                                                                                                                               Student Ryan Chui / From 5


"Miss Victoria is an excellent teacher that she is kind, cheerful and respect to each students that can encourage them to participate

 in different activities. Thus, the teaching aids she made is very clear and suitable for the children."

                                                                                                                  The Salvation Army of Pak Tin Nursery School


" Mr Stephen is such a responsible teacher, he is puntual and has well prepartions before the lessons. He can attract children's

  attention by providing various activities. He loves all the kids and feels enthusiastic in teaching."

                                                                                                                   The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Nursery School


" Besides throwing the ball, we can have different kind of games. Come on time and Come early to prepare the lesson."

                                                                                                                    The Salvation Army Tai Wo Hau Nursery School


"老師認真及投入地為課堂準備,也能與老師合作愉快,也能彼此配合,已合作了五年以上, 長期合作也十分欣賞。能與我們課程配合,也多年合作與老師能融洽教學。老師培訓及行政也優良。

"滿意, 外籍老師的教學. 幼兒學生投入於課堂中, 並主動回答老師的問題。"